15 billion apps downloaded

At some point I am wondering if we just do what McDonalds did and say forget it, we just sold a ton of apps; period? Seems like not now though. Apple has crested the 15 billion app mark and seems to be on fire. We even now have north of 425,000 apps to choose from in the app store so despite what appears to be more options that most would have ever imagined, folks are still downloading them like crazy. The hardest part to believe here is that we have only enjoyed knowing what an app store even was

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Apple to make iTunes more like Pandora?

I heart Pandora. No doubt about it. It is slick, easy to use, ultra personal, and will sit there quietly (or as loud as I want) and do its job; serve me up music. No muss, no fuss. By contrast I have thousands of songs in my music library that I rarely listen to because they are never on the hard drive near me, not sorted properly, not tagged, you get the point. It is often times easier to simply ignore them and stream. Apple is toying with a solution to this. Make iTunes a cloud service. It would

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Using iPads to sell you more stuff

One thing that is nearly un-arguable at this point is the fact that people really enjoy the iPad. It presents information is an incredibly sexy way. What’s not to like? Retailers have also started to realize this and have begun to test this in several locations. We too have worked with a retailers to apply sales tools for the iPad. Our experience is in-line with others online; retailers are excited about this for sure. In general it is a no-brainer if you think about it. You can make a store experience that has access to far more information than

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Apple opens up its biggest store in China; Shanghai

Report after report shows us that China is on fire. While most people know that China makes a lot of the gadgets that the rest of the world uses, many don’t know that China is on track to be a major player in terms or actually purchasing goods as well. The estimates have China, as an example, accounting for as much as 25% of the world’s luxury purchasing in the upcoming years. This is not insignificant. Apple is clearly someone who gets this as well. They are planning a major store opening in Shanghai which is going to be

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Apps in iTunes via Flash and how a developer feels about it

Unless you migrated here from the planet formerly known as Pluto, you are no doubt aware of the previous battle waged between Apple and, well anyone who didn’t know Objective C and wanted to make an app. Apple has since released its strangle hold on that and allowed for developers to use Flash to create their iPad and iPhone apps. So what does this mean? Well likely game developers will be incredibly happy with this. There is no doubt this significantly helps them out. If you are a designer by nature and have a thin grasp on Flash but

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iPad 2 had a killer weekend

While nothing has been officially released the estimates out on the street range from 400k – 600k sold in the first weekend. By contrast, and to compare, those numbers are higher than the original did in a week on Earth. Not too shabby. Also not surprising. This go around had it being sold everywhere and not just at the Apple Store. Essentially though, whatever stores had them, now don’t. Waiting lines now are huge. As someone who was there for the first iPad on its first day, I was very surprised to see the massive lines at the store.

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