How an app really changes your life

Apps, apps, apps. It is all anyone ever talks about it would seem. “There’s an app” for almost everything. I have time and time again told anyone who would listen about my obsession with apps and how they help my day-to-day. That said, it is often hard for non-app converts to really wrap their head around how apps can truly change your life. We have also all heard quite a bit about Google Glass of late. (I think this video by the way is absolutely breathtaking in its ability to sum up the experience). This too can be a

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Why is responsive important to you?

A question that comes up here time, and time again is “should we go responsive?” followed by “what are the pros and cons?”. Of late, this comes on the order of nearly every project. As such we thought it warranted a quick blurb on why this technology is a bit more than a passing trend and rather a way it “should” be done moving forward. First, let’s cover what it is for anyone who does not already know. In short, it is a single base of code that will determine the device you are on and make visual, and

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15 billion apps downloaded

At some point I am wondering if we just do what McDonalds did and say forget it, we just sold a ton of apps; period? Seems like not now though. Apple has crested the 15 billion app mark and seems to be on fire. We even now have north of 425,000 apps to choose from in the app store so despite what appears to be more options that most would have ever imagined, folks are still downloading them like crazy. The hardest part to believe here is that we have only enjoyed knowing what an app store even was

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Ford bolsters smartphone sync

Ford is really on top of things it would appear. Already launched now but soon to hit the scene in even more of their cars is a system called Sync AppLink. The goal of this system is to further integrate the passenger’s smartphones with their cars. The overall goal is to reduce the amount of time it takes to control various aspects of the car (from the user control vantage point that is) as well as reduce passenger interaction with their phones. Turns out people download apps while driving! Can you imagine? This step is significant as it is

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Our move to a post PC world

In a world where smartphones went from huh? to everywhere in only a few short years, it leaves most wondering what comes next? Tablets? Smaller phones? Computers embedded in my eye and a keyboard that only I can see? Perhaps all of those things but one thing, according to Forrester, the computer paradigm is changing. First on their list is the shift from desktop to everywhere. Computers are going from a fixed position entity to things that are everywhere. Computers are in virtually everything now. That is only going to augment over time. Next is the shift from a

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TV everywhere but the TV

TV used to be just TV; that box in your living room, bedroom, or wherever. Then it was the slick flat panel you replaced the old ones with. Then Slingbox, Roku, etc. Now, as we make the next leap we have “over the top” devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Androids that we can consume media on; and we are. According to Horowitz Associates, 31% of us who live in urban areas watch TV on devices other than actual TVs. That is a pretty large number. They break it down by race past that and the numbers get more

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