ChatGPT Gets a Memory!

ChatGPT Gets a Memory!

I would say “It’s about time” but these advancements are coming out so fast, that hardly seems fair. For now though, we have memory! This is a tremendous improvement. Here are just a few reasons why you should care about this: Having a memory can be beneficial for a chatbot like ChatGPT in several ways: Maintaining Context: A conversational memory allows the chatbot to keep track of the context and flow of the conversation. This enables it to provide more coherent and relevant responses, as it can refer back to previous statements, questions, or information provided by the user.

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AI Paves the Way for Designing Novel CRISPR Gene-Editing Systems

TLDR: While everyone isf ocusing on the latest advancements in ChatGPT and how quick it can send emails for you or making songs about ninjas having a snowball fight with Winnie The Pooh, it’s crucial to highlight how these AI-driven tools are not just theoretical concepts but are paving the way for practical applications in everytihng. Medical therapies and diagnostics are immediately relevant as they affect our lives directly. The integration of AI with CRISPR technology promises to enhance the precision of genetic edits, which could lead to breakthroughs in treating genetic disorders. In fact, they appear to show

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Eight US Newspapers Sue OpenAI And Microsoft For Copyright Infringement

As is not a surprise to anyone, AI is making big waves in the news realm. To attempt to fight back, eight newspapers just sued tech giants OpenAI and Microsoft. There are many familiar themes here these days; not the least of which being how the hell did these AIs get so smart to begin with? Well, by stealing a bunch of other peoples stuff, that’s how. This argument goes in a few directions here. Stay tuned for more details. Key Takeaways Eight US newspapers are suing OpenAI and Microsoft for using their articles without permission. This is called

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Why to Pay Attention to the Writer’s Strike

Writer’s Strike We all are aware of the writer’s strike. This is not only a very, very sensitive topic for anyone who is a writer today, but more broadly will apply to all of us in the not-so-distant future. To that end, we need to have a candid conversation on this and we need it now. This is from the Wikipedia page for the 2023 Writer’s strike. If you can’t read this blurb and immediately understand the concern we should all have, then this article may not be for you. “One disputed issue is the Guild wanting requirements for

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A lesson on reading contracts

In what can only be described as one of the single best articles ever written on an age-old theory of “payback is a b!*$#” we offer you this… Let this be the ultimate lesson to you on both how to beat the banks at their own game as well, read your contracts; always. In this case what went out is not what came back in. Simply sign and release is a very, very bad plan. In this case I actually love it, but had this been your statement of work, perhaps you would be less thrilled.

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MarkUp – The web designer’s screenshot tool

Envoy recently released its new app entitled MarkUp. (You can download it here). This is the tool for web developers that want to annotate websites on the go. Built native for both the iPad and the iPhone, MarkUp allows anyone to take a screen shot of a web page, add notes, and draw on the shots to outline update notes for developers, upgrade ideas for clients, or simply highlight unique features of a particular website. Made by designers, for designers, this tool also allows for bookmarking of frequently visited sites; a helpful tool for staging environments with multiple client

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