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Netfilx delays release of its Android app

Due to security concerns and fragmentation of the market, Netflix has opted to postpone the release of its Android app until next year. This fear is something discussed here in prior posts as well; reliability of a marketplace with the current hurdles in place for Android. While stats are changing constantly, currently 22.9% of the Android phones don’t have a 2x OS on the phone. Past that, the remaining phones are split roughly evenly between 2.1 and 2.2; slanting by about 4% towards the 2.1. From a development point of view this can be frustrating. To quote them directly:

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Finally! Fee-based music services

According to Reuters Apple is working on a music subscription service that would allow users to pay a fee and have unlimited access to songs. How the pricing works and specifics have not been released but it is guessed that it would be based on monthly usage. I imagine something akin to cel minutes would be an appropriate guess. This would be incredibly exciting news for sure. One of my biggest complaints about my gargantuan MP3 collection is that no matter how big it could possibly be, there is always going to be a song I want to hear

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iPad adoption: fastest in history

For the scores of folks out there who desperately want Apple to fall on their faces with the iPad, history books will tell a different story. According to Bernstein Research, the iPad enjoys the fastest adoption rate in electronics history; including the iPhone and the DVD player. This stratospheric success has been the driving force for everyone else to race to second place. That all being said, it is going to be intriguing to see what Apple does next to parlay their iPad success into remaining first in the market once competition opens up. It is going to be

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Amazon in the mobile game

While this is not exactly “new” news, it is great news for the mobile marketplace. Retail gigantor Amazon is throwing its hat in the ring by announcing its Android marketplace. This will clearly be huge for the marketplace. Apple is doing a great job of creating a marketplace there is no doubt of that fact. However, a move like this could give them a run for their money. While this is bad for competitors, it is fantastic for consumers. While details on the storefront remain scant, it is likely to follow similar models of revenue share for developers. Good

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Kno tablet for education – double sided

In what only seems natural as the next evolution of tablet design, a company Kno  is releasing a double-sided tablet hopefully by the end of the year. This tablet is run on a Linux-based operating system and is geared specifically to the educational consumer. Of specific interest is a desktop (when oh when will we get one for the iPad?), a Flash-enabled browser (although let’s face it, this is less and less of a concern for many clients), and a host of academic-specific features, and of course a two screen display for note taking while reading, or, as students

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Interesting developer stats

From time to time we like to see how the world is progressing. Let’s examine these two graphics: Although we featured this in the last post I thought it was so compelling that we should dedicate a single post to it. Again, thanks to VisionMobile (original article found here) we have some new insight as to just how dramatic this whole mobile transformation really is. First, take a look at the amount of developers involved with each. Android is way out in front followed by iPhone; neither of which were really around just a few years ago. Next, not

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Jobs tears into “other” tablet makers

Ahh the fun of talking trash. When hearing stories like this I cannot help but to chuckle at the fact that no matter how many billions of dollars one makes, or how many products one sells, everyone enjoys talking a little trash. This does seem to be the case with Steve Jobs on a recent interview where he all but dismisses RIM’s ability to compete in the market, says that there is almost no one who can compete with them for real, and completely undermines the possibility that a 7″ tablet has any chance of survival. RIM disagrees. In

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