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To buzz, or not to buzz

Not to date ourselves here but remember when a client was able to simply convey what they wanted in English? I do. Once upon a time a client needed A and asked for it. We made a few versions of A and they chose one, modified it, and we moved on. Now it seems to be the case that we have to describe things in buzz terminology that is often times vague, to say the least. One that I am happy to finally see go the way of the dodo is “web 2.0”. Anyone in the space can tell

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The art of the iPad

In the midst of all the “its just a big iPod touch” and “why are they killing Flash” and all of the other various issues surrounding iPad we are finally starting to see that for the true craft person, arguments mean nothing, the work says it all. I recently came across an article (that can be seen here) that highlighted a few interesting uses of the iPad. As professionals tasked with inventing things to do with this device for our customers I am constantly smiling at that which folks create using this really big iPod touch. (that was a

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Flash mades it way on the iPhone/Pad

We have been making websites here for quite some time. We have been using Flash here for almost as long. At one point in our time line I can actually remember making whole websites entirely out of Flash and wondering why the world was not doing the same. Then we all grew up and realized that this was a bad idea. The world however did largely pick Flash up for a ton of things which we all still enjoy today. That being said the world has progressed yet again and Flash is no longer a requirement to do some

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New iPhone announced

Well, as with all things related to the iPhone we find ourselves in a good news bad news situation. The good news is pretty obvious, we get a new iPhone. Not just any iPhone either, a really good one. As with the previous versions of this phone it is raises the bar quite a bit. What is most interesting though about the features added (generally speaking that is) is that it they all underscore the fact that this device no longer stands anywhere close to simply being a phone but rather that this device can be used in almost

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A candid letter to AT&T

To whom it may concern (sorry, it clearly does not concern anyone over there, but for giggles, let’s continue) I am the proud owner of an iPhone. I have actually owned three of them. Truth be told, this could be the single most interesting and useful pieces of technology I have ever owned bar none. I can literally do things on this phone that were previously unimaginable. My somewhat complicated and fast-paced life has been made exponentially more convenient by the advent of this wondrous little machine. The single most irritating *feature* of this device is, you guessed it,

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Contract conjecture may be bad, bad, bad

“So, what I meant to say was… [double beep followed by a pleasant green notice saying my call was dropped]”. [frustrated sigh] [caller re-dials, waits, recipient picks up] “Sorry, I have an iPhone, love the phone, HATE AT&T” “Don’t worry, I have an iPhone too, I totally understand”. Sound familiar? If you have had AT&T for more than 15 minutes the answer should be yes. Why do we put up with this? Well, we have to. And now we may have to deal with it longer. According to Engadget they have been snooping around in court documents in an

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Time to be a little less serious

Ok so for all the mud being flung from one side to the other and back between pro-iPhone folks, the “Android will rule the world” folks, the iPad is a bigger iPod touch folks, etc. it is nice to see that there is at least one person who can have fun with it. I for one am happy to see this. Enjoy!

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