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Why to Pay Attention to the Writer’s Strike

Writer’s Strike We all are aware of the writer’s strike. This is not only a very, very sensitive topic for anyone who is a writer today, but more broadly will apply to all of us in the not-so-distant future. To that end, we need to have a candid conversation on this and we need it now. This is from the Wikipedia page for the 2023 Writer’s strike. If you can’t read this blurb and immediately understand the concern we should all have, then this article may not be for you. “One disputed issue is the Guild wanting requirements for

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How an app really changes your life

Apps, apps, apps. It is all anyone ever talks about it would seem. “There’s an app” for almost everything. I have time and time again told anyone who would listen about my obsession with apps and how they help my day-to-day. That said, it is often hard for non-app converts to really wrap their head around how apps can truly change your life. We have also all heard quite a bit about Google Glass of late. (I think this video by the way is absolutely breathtaking in its ability to sum up the experience). This too can be a

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