Contract conjecture may be bad, bad, bad

“So, what I meant to say was… [double beep followed by a pleasant green notice saying my call was dropped]”. [frustrated sigh] [caller re-dials, waits, recipient picks up] “Sorry, I have an iPhone, love the phone, HATE AT&T” “Don’t worry, I have an iPhone too, I totally understand”. Sound familiar? If you have had AT&T for more than 15 minutes the answer should be yes. Why do we put up with this? Well, we have to. And now we may have to deal with it longer. According to Engadget they have been snooping around in court documents in an

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Time to be a little less serious

Ok so for all the mud being flung from one side to the other and back between pro-iPhone folks, the “Android will rule the world” folks, the iPad is a bigger iPod touch folks, etc. it is nice to see that there is at least one person who can have fun with it. I for one am happy to see this. Enjoy!

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Agencies vs clients summarized

Recently I ran across a video that stopped me in my tracks and prompted an awkward laughter in me. Awkward because I have had these conversations countless times with countless clients over the years. This sums up in a nutshell what every client looking for an agency to help sell their product should know ahead of time.

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Google and Verizon teaming up

One thing everyone will have to thank Apple for is getting the ball rolling; over and over and over again. This time we are talking specifically about the iPad. Six months ago everyone knew tablets existed, thought about them a bit, but scoffed largely at the commercial viability of them. In other words no one was taking the plunge, at least not in the massively public spectacle way that Apple has done of late. So no what? Easy, everyone needs to make a tablet, and now. We now get to read all about “iPad killers” for the foreseeable future.

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Android on the move

The debate rages on iPhone vs Droid vs Blackberry; this time with a few interesting numbers to back them up. According to NetworkWorld’s recent article Android is on the rise while the iPhone seems to have leveled off, and, not surprisingly, Blackberry continues to be the business leader. That being said however, Android takes the crown for growth this quarter by far. The article continues by stating that the biggest casualty of this success was by far Microsoft. This is congruent with a recent trip to a client I took where we took a quick look at their Google

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Adobe vs Apple: today’s opinion

So both sides have had their say and I don’t just mean Apple and Adobe. Both sides of the fence are barking up a storm about why this should or should not be happening. In the end I am left with a few core observations I think trump all other arguments I have heard thus far: First, and I have said this before, Flash has been showing signs of aging for a while now and it is not limited to iPhones or iPads. As a professional services company we are on the front lines of customer request and guess

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And Adobe responds…

Folks we are back in the school yard. We are all 10 again and a crowd of kids has formed rather rambunctiously around the two bullies fighting in the center. On the one side they say this and on the other they say that. We have already spoken previously about Apple’s point of view here so it is only fair to tackle Adobe’s next. My problem with them is that they are either cognizant of the fact that they have a flimsy argument or they just really suck at fighting. You can check out the highlight reel of their

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