Can you buy a new phone every six months?

It often boggled my mind why this was not the case earlier. Someone at the phone companies out there finally wised up and realized that folks who buy smartphones, buy them a lot. We also break them a lot, drop them in a pool a lot, have their kids use them as frisbees a lot, and, well, you get the point. At $600 a pop, that can be an expensive habit. Enter the new upgrade plans. These new plans dramatically increase the flexibility of a consumer’s upgrade options. Now, instead of being stuck and bound to an 18 –

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Apps still heading up, up, up

A few years back we thought that that things were app-crazy. Some folks even went so far as to say that these were going to die off soon and that it was just a phase. Well, that might eventually end up being true but in our opinion, this is not the case. We have more mobile devices (and growing) than ever before. Stands to reason then that we would have more apps. Also not surprising is that, given the convenience of mobile in general, that we are seeing folks migrate their usage from any more traditional means over to

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MarkUp – The web designer’s screenshot tool

Envoy recently released its new app entitled MarkUp. (You can download it here). This is the tool for web developers that want to annotate websites on the go. Built native for both the iPad and the iPhone, MarkUp allows anyone to take a screen shot of a web page, add notes, and draw on the shots to outline update notes for developers, upgrade ideas for clients, or simply highlight unique features of a particular website. Made by designers, for designers, this tool also allows for bookmarking of frequently visited sites; a helpful tool for staging environments with multiple client

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Things that make us laugh

I admit, this post will only appeal to the few who are, well, that much of a design geek to actually find this funny. That being said, if you are ever curious what make a group of designer laugh, well, this is it.

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How to install an ad-hoc app using a PC

This tutorial is a brief outline of what steps you will need to take in order to install an ad-hoc app onto your device using a PC. This is to be used for all apps in development or apps that won’t be included in the app store itself. 1) Download the latest version of the iPhone Configuration Utility and install it: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD   2) Plug in your device 3) Click the “Provisioning Profiles” section in the left sidebar 4) Drag in the .mobileprovision file to the list view window 5) Click the “Applications” section in the

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15 billion apps downloaded

At some point I am wondering if we just do what McDonalds did and say forget it, we just sold a ton of apps; period? Seems like not now though. Apple has crested the 15 billion app mark and seems to be on fire. We even now have north of 425,000 apps to choose from in the app store so despite what appears to be more options that most would have ever imagined, folks are still downloading them like crazy. The hardest part to believe here is that we have only enjoyed knowing what an app store even was

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Lollapalooza goes to crowdsourcing

Lollapalooza recently decided to release their API to the world and crowdsource a new app for their upcoming festival. The organization pared it down to 19 entries they felt had promise and are going to vote on the two best to feature at the festival. As a development company, that is to say, folks who make a living off of making apps, I am not terribly excited about crowdsourcing. I think it is akin to child labor in the sense that the person or entity engaging in crowdsourcing is knowingly exploiting a large number of people and paying a

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