Love ’em or leave ’em, gizmos and gadgets are on their way

Technology is quite literally one of our favorite things. I was in the first 100 in line for my iPhone, same with my iPad. I will be for the next iPad as well soon; likely the same with the iPhone. These however appear to be simply laying the framework though for what is to come. Recent articles all over the web as well as trade shows alike are beginning to display a wide range of gizmos and gadgets designed to use currently available technology in new and productive ways. Even if we disagree on the term “productive” it is

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The recipe for Android’s success: be cheaper

A recent survey put it as clearly as one can: the Android user base wants cheaper, not necessarily better, products to compete agains Apple. You can see the graph at this article. The quick recap though sheds a lot of light on the topic that many developers have been asking for a while now. Top of the list as mentioned is cheap. These have to be cheap to entice users to buy. Cheaper than the iPhone, cheaper than the iPad, cheaper, cheaper, cheaper. Next in line was minimized fragmentation. For developers this is a big annoyance; especially developers who

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Why we won’t be using a computer soon enough

Not too long ago we mentioned here the projected tablet sales; nearly 71 million to hit the streets by the end of 2012. While surfing the web on a tablet is much easier than you iPhone or Android in terms of physical space, many, many more folks actually have smartphones. The newest stat has the world hitting 850 million smartphones by 2015. That is a staggering number that has nearly 1 in 8 people on planet earth holding a smartphone within 4 years. If that is the case, why would anyone need a computer? As it stands now urban

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iPad 2 – what oh what will it be?

I am sure by now everyone knows that the list of folks who panned the iPad early on were, to put it kindly, wrong. They were wrong about it being a “big iPhone”, they were wrong about people wanting to buy it, and they were most certainly wrong about the fact that it would literally change the world; or at least how we interact with it on the mobile side. Since its birth there have been several, and I do mean several, companies scrambling to catch up. In the end though it has bee slow until recently. Now that

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Just plain cool

While this is nothing totally new, I never get bored of this technology being used. Recently eBay released a new app that allows sellers to list a geo location of the item. This in turn allows users, or shoppers, to see which eBay items are for sale in their immediate surroundings. I mean how cool is that? Again, augmented reality apps are hardly new. This latest one however I think underscores how important it is to understand the things that mobile can do well and then capitalize on it. This new app gives an entirely new dimension to the

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The tablet train has left the building

The latest figures are high; very high. Tablets are out there and on fire. The company International Data recently released a report saying that 70.8 million tablets will be out on the market by 2012. To further punctuate this, they said that the tablet market shot nearly vertical with a 45.1% growth in just the third quarter. For anyone still left wondering about these toys, stop wondering and start making your mobile app. A few other tidbits of interest. One, an estimated 44.6 million tablets will ship in 2011. This number is constantly growing though so who knows where

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Mobile video is almost half of mobile traffic

In 2010 video accounted for 40% of all mobile traffic. That is not insignificant by any measure. It is guessed that in 2011, we are jumping up to 60%. That clearly is even bigger. The interesting part of this is that while it has never been easier to get video on your mobile device, good video nonetheless, only about 10% of us are responsible for these numbers. As it seems, a small portion of folks are monopolizing nearly half our available bandwidth all alone. We have been saying for quite some time now that AT&T majorly dropped the ball

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