Singapore Scientists Miniaturize Quantum Computing Devices

Discover how groundbreaking research from NTU Singapore could revolutionize quantum technology, making components 1,000 times smaller for scalable quantum computing devices.

In a groundbreaking development within the realm of quantum technology

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have made an outstanding leap forward. This advancement involves a cutting-edge technique that could revolutionize the scalability of quantum computing devices by compressing quantum components to 1/1,000th of their current size. The innovation hinges on the use of significantly slimmer materials to produce pairs of entangled photons, effectively diminishing the footprint of quantum elements.

Under the guidance of Professor Gao Weibo at NTU

This research brings the prospect of miniaturizing quantum optical entanglement sources, a cornerstone for quantum information and the burgeoning field of photonic quantum computing. Prof Gao states, “Our inventive approach for generating entangled photon pairs lays the groundwork for dramatically downsizing quantum optical entanglement sources, an advancement that stands to be pivotal for quantum information sciences and photonic quantum computing endeavors.”

Photons serve as the bedrock for quantum computers

Acting as quantum bits, or qubits, due to their entangled states—a core principle of their computing power. Conventional practices for creating these photons are cumbersome, involving the use of lasers and thick crystals, which are impractical for integration onto chips. However, by employing niobium oxide dichloride flakes merely 1.2 micrometers in thickness, the team at NTU Singapore can generate entangled photon pairs in a more streamlined manner.

Deriving inspiration from previous work in 1999

Which used two sizeable crystal flakes oriented perpendicularly to achieve entanglement, Prof Gao’s team took an innovative leap by applying the principle with layers of much finer material. This enabled the photons to remain coherently linked without the need for additional bulky optical equipment. These entangled photon pairs are essential for driving quantum computing forward, potentially enabling more secure communication and vastly improved capabilities for complex problem-solving.

Professor Sun Zhipei of Aalto University, an external expert, underscored the importance of the NTU team’s discovery

He likened entangled photons to perfectly synchronised clocks, which, despite the distance separating them, move in unison, thus supporting instantaneous communication. Recognizing this technique as a major achievement, he emphasized its potential to facilitate the miniaturization and seamless integration of quantum technologies.

Moving forward, the NTU research team aims to expand upon their current work

Increasing the yield of connected photon pairs. Such efforts may include introducing minuscule patterns on the niobium oxide dichloride flake surfaces or layering them with alternative materials to optimize photon pairing.

This pivotal research has been documented in the prestigious journal, Nature Photonics, signaling an epochal step in the march towards quantum systems that are not only more effective but also considerably more compact.


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