Why will Flash never come to iPhone? We now know.

One of the biggest questions we get when it comes to iPhones/iPads is “why won’t Apple put Flash on it?”. While it has largely been speculative up to now, Steve laid down the law today and clearly laid out, in gruesome detail, why Flash won’t be on the devices now, or ever. There is no question that this is one of the most frank and brutally direct explanations I have ever seen and quite honestly I am extremely pleased he did it. You can read the article here to get all of the details we will gloss over here.

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If you find an iPhone, return it; or else

As if the state of California did not have more pressing concerns they are now “investigating” the guy who found the iPhone prototype in a bar to determine if he indeed did something wrong. Seriously? The state is broke and they are spending money on launching an investigation about this? The news cites a California law (found here) that basically says that if you find something, know who owns it, and use it for yourself, you are doing something wrong. California, seriously? First, and foremost, let’s talk about the distinct possibility that Apple did this intentionally. Note: I don’t

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