Why is responsive important to you?

A question that comes up here time, and time again is “should we go responsive?” followed by “what are the pros and cons?”. Of late, this comes on the order of nearly every project. As such we thought it warranted a quick blurb on why this technology is a bit more than a passing trend and rather a way it “should” be done moving forward. First, let’s cover what it is for anyone who does not already know. In short, it is a single base of code that will determine the device you are on and make visual, and

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Adobe vs Apple: today’s opinion

So both sides have had their say and I don’t just mean Apple and Adobe. Both sides of the fence are barking up a storm about why this should or should not be happening. In the end I am left with a few core observations I think trump all other arguments I have heard thus far: First, and I have said this before, Flash has been showing signs of aging for a while now and it is not limited to iPhones or iPads. As a professional services company we are on the front lines of customer request and guess

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