How to install an ad-hoc app using a PC

This tutorial is a brief outline of what steps you will need to take in order to install an ad-hoc app onto your device using a PC. This is to be used for all apps in development or apps that won’t be included in the app store itself.

1) Download the latest version of the iPhone Configuration Utility and install it: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


2) Plug in your device

3) Click the “Provisioning Profiles” section in the left sidebar

4) Drag in the .mobileprovision file to the list view window

5) Click the “Applications” section in the left sidebar

6) Drag in the .app folder to the list view window

7) Go back to your device in the left sidebar

8) Click the “Provisioning Profiles” tab

9) Click the “Install” button next to the newly added provisioning profile

10) Click the “Applications” tab

11) Click the “Install” button next to the newly added app



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