Things that make us laugh

I admit, this post will only appeal to the few who are, well, that much of a design geek to actually find this funny. That being said, if you are ever curious what make a group of designer laugh, well, this is it.

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Low tech creativity in action

In a world full of iPhones, tablets,HTML5, web 2.0, etc etc, it is nice to see someone though smaller of the problem and not bigger. This is really an amazing piece…

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Watson takes down its first two humans

Ok so anyone not already familiar with IBM’s Watson needs to get on board immediately and check this thing out. I for one am impressed. This computer took and, and subsequently down, two human players in a game of Jeaopardy! They will be playing for real in February. Check Watson out here… As I constantly read about this project I cannot help but to dwell on phrasing used to describe its size. They say it is a room-sized computer with hundreds of chips, yaddah yaddah. Does anyone recall the stories told to us about the size of the first

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A candid letter to AT&T

To whom it may concern (sorry, it clearly does not concern anyone over there, but for giggles, let’s continue) I am the proud owner of an iPhone. I have actually owned three of them. Truth be told, this could be the single most interesting and useful pieces of technology I have ever owned bar none. I can literally do things on this phone that were previously unimaginable. My somewhat complicated and fast-paced life has been made exponentially more convenient by the advent of this wondrous little machine. The single most irritating *feature* of this device is, you guessed it,

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Time to be a little less serious

Ok so for all the mud being flung from one side to the other and back between pro-iPhone folks, the “Android will rule the world” folks, the iPad is a bigger iPod touch folks, etc. it is nice to see that there is at least one person who can have fun with it. I for one am happy to see this. Enjoy!

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Agencies vs clients summarized

Recently I ran across a video that stopped me in my tracks and prompted an awkward laughter in me. Awkward because I have had these conversations countless times with countless clients over the years. This sums up in a nutshell what every client looking for an agency to help sell their product should know ahead of time.

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