Crestron is going Android

This particular post is a bit odd for me to write as it merges two very different lives that I have had. First, it takes my current life of constantly exploring new and exciting technologies to help our clients get their jobs done better, more efficiently, and reach bigger audiences and merges it with a previous life of working in the home theater and automation business. Let me tell you, life always comes full circle. And in this case, I am pretty psyched.

Crestron, for those who do not know, is an uber high-end, very slick home automation product that has historically been at the extremely high side of the cost spectrum for very good reason; it does anything and everything. It also is amongst the highest priced components around. I guess at these price points, one has to expect them to be on the cutting edge. Enter Android.

Now the uber-home-automation geek will be thrilled to know that you can now see who is ringing your doorbell while watching a DVD or adjust the volume of the outside speakers while reading a book and monitoring your baby. Having come from this industry long, long ago, I can only sit scratching my head wondering what took us so long to get to this point. Yup, I guess that makes me one of these geeks.

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