Tag: Blackberry

Well, at least Blackberry seems to be out

In a world where we have to constantly decide paper or plastic, soup or salad, and which platform to bet the farm on (for the time being anyway) it is nice to know some things just take care of themselves. Such is the case with the platforms for mobile. While all of us have our favorites it is nice to know we now have proof. Mashable did not give me permission to use these images but since I am a) giving them credit and b) linking to their site’s article, I am hoping they take pity on me should

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Android on the move

The debate rages on iPhone vs Droid vs Blackberry; this time with a few interesting numbers to back them up. According to NetworkWorld’s recent article Android is on the rise while the iPhone seems to have leveled off, and, not surprisingly, Blackberry continues to be the business leader. That being said however, Android takes the crown for growth this quarter by far. The article continues by stating that the biggest casualty of this success was by far Microsoft. This is congruent with a recent trip to a client I took where we took a quick look at their Google

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Flash may not be the best thing since sliced bread

Apple seems to be getting all of the press lately about its anti-Flash ranting. I am sure this is fantastic for everyone else complaining about some of the inherent issues at hand here. If you look a little closer though you can see that Apple is not the only one thinking it may be time to take a look at another technology. While they certainly seem to have pushed the first domino over, many others are falling in line fast. On the top of my list of people to watch in this arena are YouTube. If you have Chrome

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