HTML 5 video getting bigger every day

Anyone who has owned anything Apple for the last, oh, forever, knows all too well that their devices often lack a piece of hardware or two that all other computers have. See, SCSI ports, floppy drives, smaller floppy drives, zip drives, etc. It is no secret that when Apple is done with something it is quite simply done and that is that. The recent Apple vs. Adobe wars were nothing different except that it was software this time. Ensuing wars not withstanding, they once again made a pretty bold statement. A year ago only about 10% of the online

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Flash mades it way on the iPhone/Pad

We have been making websites here for quite some time. We have been using Flash here for almost as long. At one point in our time line I can actually remember making whole websites entirely out of Flash and wondering why the world was not doing the same. Then we all grew up and realized that this was a bad idea. The world however did largely pick Flash up for a ton of things which we all still enjoy today. That being said the world has progressed yet again and Flash is no longer a requirement to do some

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Adobe vs Apple: today’s opinion

So both sides have had their say and I don’t just mean Apple and Adobe. Both sides of the fence are barking up a storm about why this should or should not be happening. In the end I am left with a few core observations I think trump all other arguments I have heard thus far: First, and I have said this before, Flash has been showing signs of aging for a while now and it is not limited to iPhones or iPads. As a professional services company we are on the front lines of customer request and guess

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Why will Flash never come to iPhone? We now know.

One of the biggest questions we get when it comes to iPhones/iPads is “why won’t Apple put Flash on it?”. While it has largely been speculative up to now, Steve laid down the law today and clearly laid out, in gruesome detail, why Flash won’t be on the devices now, or ever. There is no question that this is one of the most frank and brutally direct explanations I have ever seen and quite honestly I am extremely pleased he did it. You can read the article here to get all of the details we will gloss over here.

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Flash may not be the best thing since sliced bread

Apple seems to be getting all of the press lately about its anti-Flash ranting. I am sure this is fantastic for everyone else complaining about some of the inherent issues at hand here. If you look a little closer though you can see that Apple is not the only one thinking it may be time to take a look at another technology. While they certainly seem to have pushed the first domino over, many others are falling in line fast. On the top of my list of people to watch in this arena are YouTube. If you have Chrome

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