15 billion apps downloaded

At some point I am wondering if we just do what McDonalds did and say forget it, we just sold a ton of apps; period? Seems like not now though. Apple has crested the 15 billion app mark and seems to be on fire. We even now have north of 425,000 apps to choose from in the app store so despite what appears to be more options that most would have ever imagined, folks are still downloading them like crazy. The hardest part to believe here is that we have only enjoyed knowing what an app store even was

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Apps in iTunes via Flash and how a developer feels about it

Unless you migrated here from the planet formerly known as Pluto, you are no doubt aware of the previous battle waged between Apple and, well anyone who didn’t know Objective C and wanted to make an app. Apple has since released its strangle hold on that and allowed for developers to use Flash to create their iPad and iPhone apps. So what does this mean? Well likely game developers will be incredibly happy with this. There is no doubt this significantly helps them out. If you are a designer by nature and have a thin grasp on Flash but

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