TV everywhere but the TV

TV used to be just TV; that box in your living room, bedroom, or wherever. Then it was the slick flat panel you replaced the old ones with. Then Slingbox, Roku, etc. Now, as we make the next leap we have “over the top” devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Androids that we can consume media on; and we are.

According to Horowitz Associates, 31% of us who live in urban areas watch TV on devices other than actual TVs. That is a pretty large number. They break it down by race past that and the numbers get more interesting. Asians lead the pack with 41% viewing on alternate devices. Past that we have Latinos weighing in at 37%, African Americans at 36%, and Caucasians bringing up fourth place with just 25%.

This is not entirely surprising. Mobile devices shot up pretty significantly from 2010 to 2011; about 11% up. More devices means greater chances of viewing for sure. Also, let’s be honest, it’s just plain easy to do. I use my Hulu Plus account daily sometimes. This is certainly a trend to keep in mind.


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