10% of Americans own an e-reader

According to Harris Interactive, 1 in 10 Americans own an e-reader. This is a pretty big number and it is only going to get bigger. If you own a magazine or publication of any kind, now would be the appropriate time, if you have not already done so, to stand up and get moving on your digital content. As it appears, we are rapidly shifting gears.

One interesting tidbit from the poll was that 53% of respondents said they read more now than before they bought the device. This is in sharp contrast to critics of the e-readers who insisted they would read the same amount but just buy a lot more presumable due to the convenience of purchasing material. While that sounds perfectly reasonable to me, it is not the case. Speaking from personal experience the ease of purchasing is what makes reading more plentiful. There are no more barriers to entry such as waiting for the next trip to the bookstore, or waiting for UPS to come with your Amazon box.

Not as interesting but useful nonetheless was that Gen Xers (34 – 45) on the coasts were the most likely to but in the upcoming months while those in the middle were very clearly not.

This of course does not mean a whole lot yet but it is a tremendously promising sign that people are not only embracing this technology but are also augmenting their indulgence in it.