Rumor mill gets going again

So the 2010 version of an omnipresent rumor has officially surfaced. There are apparently two, yes two, Verizon folks out there who are “close to source” that state Verizon will start selling iPhones in January of 2011. Putting aside momentarily the fact that we have heard this rumor countless times in the past, I must say, if it is in fact a reality, this is good news all around.

Let’s assume for argument’s sake that it is real. This would open up an almost unimaginable market for Apple as well as, and this is my personal favorite, provide us iPhone folks with an alternative to the current atrocity that is AT&T. To be fair, this would be the best/worst thing to happen to AT&T. The mass exodus likely to happen would probably alleviate the 3G network problems they just can’t seem to shake. Who knows, AT&T users may begin to actually enjoy the service. I can’t help but to chuckle every time I see a billboard that says “AT&T covers 97% of all Americans”. Evidently, I am just not in that 97% despite living/working in one of the largest cities in America.

On a side note, opening up to Verizon is likely to put a stop to the stratospheric growth of Android given that they would now have a direct competitor in the space on the same carrier. This part is very intriguing as it is likely to make both parties involved re-consider their pricing as well as amp up not only the coolness factor of both devices but also we are likely to see a spike in apps that do far more.

Again, to talk about any of this would mean putting aside the likely fact that these two people who work at Verizon who were nice enough to fill us all in actually exist, and are actually speaking from a point of knowledge about this. None of which I fully believe but it is nice to think it might be so.

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