Kno tablet for education – double sided

In what only seems natural as the next evolution of tablet design, a company Kno  is releasing a double-sided tablet hopefully by the end of the year. This tablet is run on a Linux-based operating system and is geared specifically to the educational consumer. Of specific interest is a desktop (when oh when will we get one for the iPad?), a Flash-enabled browser (although let’s face it, this is less and less of a concern for many clients), and a host of academic-specific features, and of course a two screen display for note taking while reading, or, as students

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Well, at least Blackberry seems to be out

In a world where we have to constantly decide paper or plastic, soup or salad, and which platform to bet the farm on (for the time being anyway) it is nice to know some things just take care of themselves. Such is the case with the platforms for mobile. While all of us have our favorites it is nice to know we now have proof. Mashable did not give me permission to use these images but since I am a) giving them credit and b) linking to their site’s article, I am hoping they take pity on me should

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