Netflix queue relegated to website only

Movie giant Netflix made a puzzling decision recently: let’s make it more annoying to manage DVD queue’s for out customers. Now I suppose this is subjective but they did make it such that you could not manage your queue from anywhere but their website. While I admit I represent a minority of the population that is hyper tech-dependent, here is a newsflash: any product or service available to me that has an option of using it on the iPhone or only a website, the one that provides the mobile access is likely to win my business. In a world

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iPad adoption: fastest in history

For the scores of folks out there who desperately want Apple to fall on their faces with the iPad, history books will tell a different story. According to Bernstein Research, the iPad enjoys the fastest adoption rate in electronics history; including the iPhone and the DVD player. This stratospheric success has been the driving force for everyone else to race to second place. That all being said, it is going to be intriguing to see what Apple does next to parlay their iPad success into remaining first in the market once competition opens up. It is going to be

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Crestron is going Android

This particular post is a bit odd for me to write as it merges two very different lives that I have had. First, it takes my current life of constantly exploring new and exciting technologies to help our clients get their jobs done better, more efficiently, and reach bigger audiences and merges it with a previous life of working in the home theater and automation business. Let me tell you, life always comes full circle. And in this case, I am pretty psyched. Crestron, for those who do not know, is an uber high-end, very slick home automation product

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