Tag: Google

A candid letter to AT&T

To whom it may concern (sorry, it clearly does not concern anyone over there, but for giggles, let’s continue) I am the proud owner of an iPhone. I have actually owned three of them. Truth be told, this could be the single most interesting and useful pieces of technology I have ever owned bar none. I can literally do things on this phone that were previously unimaginable. My somewhat complicated and fast-paced life has been made exponentially more convenient by the advent of this wondrous little machine. The single most irritating *feature* of this device is, you guessed it,

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Google and Verizon teaming up

One thing everyone will have to thank Apple for is getting the ball rolling; over and over and over again. This time we are talking specifically about the iPad. Six months ago everyone knew tablets existed, thought about them a bit, but scoffed largely at the commercial viability of them. In other words no one was taking the plunge, at least not in the massively public spectacle way that Apple has done of late. So no what? Easy, everyone needs to make a tablet, and now. We now get to read all about “iPad killers” for the foreseeable future.

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And Adobe responds…

Folks we are back in the school yard. We are all 10 again and a crowd of kids has formed rather rambunctiously around the two bullies fighting in the center. On the one side they say this and on the other they say that. We have already spoken previously about Apple’s point of view here so it is only fair to tackle Adobe’s next. My problem with them is that they are either cognizant of the fact that they have a flimsy argument or they just really suck at fighting. You can check out the highlight reel of their

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Flash may not be the best thing since sliced bread

Apple seems to be getting all of the press lately about its anti-Flash ranting. I am sure this is fantastic for everyone else complaining about some of the inherent issues at hand here. If you look a little closer though you can see that Apple is not the only one thinking it may be time to take a look at another technology. While they certainly seem to have pushed the first domino over, many others are falling in line fast. On the top of my list of people to watch in this arena are YouTube. If you have Chrome

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