A few essential needs for every project

Websites, apps, digital advertising – they all run our world but have some inherent flaws that arise time and time again. While there are nearly infinite variables and combinations that could contribute to something going wrong, many of them can be curbed with proper planning and attention to detail up front. As is often the case though, when a budget goes down, the first thing to go is the planning. This unfortunately is a misguided outcome as this should remain constant regardless of budget. As a matter of fact, smaller budget projects typically mean that the margin for error

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A novice guide to how search works

Ever look at Google and wonder how in the world it actually works the way it does? If we didn’t do this all the time professionally I could easily see how this would be, almost literally, rocket science. To most this is a very baffling, extremely frustrating, process. While this is by no means a scientific look at how search works, if you are one of these folks, this could be the thing you are looking for. Aside from being a great primer on how search works it is also a great example of the use of modern web

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Microsoft to join the tablet party; in 2012

Microsoft is psyched. They are finally jumping in to the tablet wars of late. The bad news is they won’t be doing it until next year. Next year? Really? While nothing is official yet it looks like Microsoft is working out the kinks on a new version of Windows 7 that would be more ideally suited for the new touch interface of a tablet. Sweet, we sit with baited breath for that. It seems odd to wait that long really. While we don’t advocate a lot of what is going on in the market now with tablets getting out

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Tablet fever

As we mentioned here on more than one occasion, CES was overrun by the tablet sensation. As was widely reported, CES had more tablets that one could shake a stick at. This morning at breakfast a client asked me where I thought technology was heading and these types of phenomenon make it such that you don’t need a crystal ball or be some techno-luminary to decipher this code: the desktop is dead and the laptop is circling the drain. To add to this Apple is cranking out new processing paradigms, Google is releasing an OS that is a ground-up

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Apple to take 21% of mobile advertising revenue

Since its inception, the folks over at Apple have been, to say the least, optimistic about how supersonic iAd was going to be. To say they were incorrect would be accurate. That being said, a few people have predicted substantial growth anyway. According to the IAD Apple will rocket from 0% to 21% of the mobile advertising dollars. This shift will drop Google from its current 27% to be tied up with Apple at 21%. Bringing up the rear will be Microsoft at 7%, down from 10%. While it is certainly not the 50% + that Mr. Jobs prophesied,

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Cracks in the Android model showing

Some have accused us of being Apple fan-boys. While that might be true to some degree this does not mean that we hate everyone else. We have stated here before that Blackberry, at least as far as we can tell in terms of a viable app conduit, is effectively dead. This I believe regardless of what people accuse us of. Android however is a different story. We do develop for the Android platform and see several possibilities for the platform and generally like it from a hardware standpoint. However, there have been some concerns since day one that have

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IBM Watson

While it is duly noted that this blog is expressly about iPhone and iPad, well, I just don’t care on this one. As with every rule, rules must occasionally be broken for the benefit of all involved. This is one of those times. In my humble opinion there have been a handful of times in my life that left me with only one thought, “this changes everything”. Yes, the day I first saw an iPhone was one of those but this, dare I say it, may just be bigger. IBM has traversed the convoluted seas of artificial intelligence and

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