Android takes over top US mobile spot

As the battle of the devices wages on some not-so-shocking news emerged this month from Nielsen. Google’s Android platform has taken over the top spot in the US marketplace over Apple , Blackberry, and everyone else. Final stats have Android taking 29% of the US market while Apple and Blackberry both take 27%. For those interested in the rest Windows is still holding on to 10% of the market. Palm and everything else take 7%. The fact that Android took top spot is hardly a surprise. Every carrier in the US has several devices (about 100 or so different

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Android takes over top smartphone spot

As we previously mentioned here, the writing has been on the wall for Blackberry for quite some time. Anytime the king of the hill stops protecting the peak, someone is bound to sneak up, whack them on the head, and unceremoniously push them down the mountain. Such is the case now as Android has officially passed RIM in US sales. According to the latest posts, the second quarter of this year has Android holding 33 percent of the market. Trailing behind is Blackberry at 28 and iPhones at 22 percent. This would be the first time since the fourth

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Well, at least Blackberry seems to be out

In a world where we have to constantly decide paper or plastic, soup or salad, and which platform to bet the farm on (for the time being anyway) it is nice to know some things just take care of themselves. Such is the case with the platforms for mobile. While all of us have our favorites it is nice to know we now have proof. Mashable did not give me permission to use these images but since I am a) giving them credit and b) linking to their site’s article, I am hoping they take pity on me should

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