Adapting to AI in News Media from Jim VandeHei's View

Explore AI's future impact on the media industry from the lens of Jim VandeHei, a digital journalism pioneer. Learn about anticipated changes, the value of human expertise in reporting, and the shift towards smart brevity in news delivery. Adapting to AI is not an option, but an essential path forward.

iPhone Funeral held by Microsoft

We have mentioned here, a few times I believe, our disdain for companies using the well beaten to death term “iPhone-killer”. People, let’s move on already. Regardless of if history tells us a product did or did not kill the iPhone, we simply need a new description. This one is tired and arguably makes one look like a kindergartener on the playground at lunch. This time it was actual employees that coined the term and not some reporter who fancies themselves as funny. The whole event was quite a spectacle it seems and to be quite honest it will

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Cracks in the Android model showing

Some have accused us of being Apple fan-boys. While that might be true to some degree this does not mean that we hate everyone else. We have stated here before that Blackberry, at least as far as we can tell in terms of a viable app conduit, is effectively dead. This I believe regardless of what people accuse us of. Android however is a different story. We do develop for the Android platform and see several possibilities for the platform and generally like it from a hardware standpoint. However, there have been some concerns since day one that have

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How many me-too’s will there be?

Apple’s iPad has no doubt been a home run for them. To be honest though, who cares about Apple? The real winner is us; all of us. Countless clients of ours, friends, and even people we look at a little funny, have told us that they love their iPad. Most use it a good chunk of the day as a primary communication tool. I was even shocked to see that I know more than a few folks that actually pay for the data plan so that they can use this everywhere. That being said now everyone wants in on

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Apple finally relaxes

It has been my experience that Apple almost never does anything like this without having a grander plan of some sort but for now anyway, developers win. Apple announced today that they are going to allow third party software to assist in iOS development. Given the relatively small community who was proficiently working in Objective C compared to everyone else, programmers who natively program in another language can not port their code over to iOS without negative ramifications from Apple. This is good for everyone. The biggest win here is the ability to use Flash, at least in a

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Apple protecting its flock

As with all denizens of the digital age I am often left scratching my head when a large company comes out with a measure that somehow limits what I can do with their device. Aside from the frustration felt by not being able to actually use a device as I see fit, there is the almost embarrassed-for-you feeling I get when I look at the company like I looked at my grandparents trying to emulate my speech patterns. It is just painful. Such is the case with Apple almost as a habit now. We first saw this when Apple

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Verizon iPhone has a code name

Since the dawn of time, er, well, since the dawn of the iPhone anyway, there have been rumors circulating about another carrier picking up the iPhone. Always Verizon, always “near” and, to date, always a rumor. However, now we appear to have either aggrandized the rumor or we have truly moved one step closer to this finally coming true. There are several news outlets around the web reporting this, here is one, and here is another. Let’s assume this is true for a moment shall we? First you have the sheer excitement of a new carrier. The concept of

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Android takes over top smartphone spot

As we previously mentioned here, the writing has been on the wall for Blackberry for quite some time. Anytime the king of the hill stops protecting the peak, someone is bound to sneak up, whack them on the head, and unceremoniously push them down the mountain. Such is the case now as Android has officially passed RIM in US sales. According to the latest posts, the second quarter of this year has Android holding 33 percent of the market. Trailing behind is Blackberry at 28 and iPhones at 22 percent. This would be the first time since the fourth

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