Apps in iTunes via Flash and how a developer feels about it

Unless you migrated here from the planet formerly known as Pluto, you are no doubt aware of the previous battle waged between Apple and, well anyone who didn’t know Objective C and wanted to make an app. Apple has since released its strangle hold on that and allowed for developers to use Flash to create their iPad and iPhone apps. So what does this mean? Well likely game developers will be incredibly happy with this. There is no doubt this significantly helps them out. If you are a designer by nature and have a thin grasp on Flash but

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Kno tablet for education – double sided

In what only seems natural as the next evolution of tablet design, a company Kno  is releasing a double-sided tablet hopefully by the end of the year. This tablet is run on a Linux-based operating system and is geared specifically to the educational consumer. Of specific interest is a desktop (when oh when will we get one for the iPad?), a Flash-enabled browser (although let’s face it, this is less and less of a concern for many clients), and a host of academic-specific features, and of course a two screen display for note taking while reading, or, as students

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Apple finally relaxes

It has been my experience that Apple almost never does anything like this without having a grander plan of some sort but for now anyway, developers win. Apple announced today that they are going to allow third party software to assist in iOS development. Given the relatively small community who was proficiently working in Objective C compared to everyone else, programmers who natively program in another language can not port their code over to iOS without negative ramifications from Apple. This is good for everyone. The biggest win here is the ability to use Flash, at least in a

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The art of the iPad

In the midst of all the “its just a big iPod touch” and “why are they killing Flash” and all of the other various issues surrounding iPad we are finally starting to see that for the true craft person, arguments mean nothing, the work says it all. I recently came across an article (that can be seen here) that highlighted a few interesting uses of the iPad. As professionals tasked with inventing things to do with this device for our customers I am constantly smiling at that which folks create using this really big iPod touch. (that was a

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Flash mades it way on the iPhone/Pad

We have been making websites here for quite some time. We have been using Flash here for almost as long. At one point in our time line I can actually remember making whole websites entirely out of Flash and wondering why the world was not doing the same. Then we all grew up and realized that this was a bad idea. The world however did largely pick Flash up for a ton of things which we all still enjoy today. That being said the world has progressed yet again and Flash is no longer a requirement to do some

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New iPhone announced

Well, as with all things related to the iPhone we find ourselves in a good news bad news situation. The good news is pretty obvious, we get a new iPhone. Not just any iPhone either, a really good one. As with the previous versions of this phone it is raises the bar quite a bit. What is most interesting though about the features added (generally speaking that is) is that it they all underscore the fact that this device no longer stands anywhere close to simply being a phone but rather that this device can be used in almost

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Adobe vs Apple: today’s opinion

So both sides have had their say and I don’t just mean Apple and Adobe. Both sides of the fence are barking up a storm about why this should or should not be happening. In the end I am left with a few core observations I think trump all other arguments I have heard thus far: First, and I have said this before, Flash has been showing signs of aging for a while now and it is not limited to iPhones or iPads. As a professional services company we are on the front lines of customer request and guess

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