Microsoft marketplace stats

The Windows Phone Marketplace is the place where Microsoft sells its phone apps. Everyone seems to know a lot about the Apple App Store but this little guy does not get a whole lot of attention. We thought we would list out a few things here that are of some interest to us. This marketplace offers, at present, about 9,000 apps for Windows phones. Their information tells us that this grows by about 100 applications per day. Slowly but surely it seems to move forward. Microsoft clearly does well with free or trial apps. Some interesting tidbits here too.

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Microsoft to join the tablet party; in 2012

Microsoft is psyched. They are finally jumping in to the tablet wars of late. The bad news is they won’t be doing it until next year. Next year? Really? While nothing is official yet it looks like Microsoft is working out the kinks on a new version of Windows 7 that would be more ideally suited for the new touch interface of a tablet. Sweet, we sit with baited breath for that. It seems odd to wait that long really. While we don’t advocate a lot of what is going on in the market now with tablets getting out

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Apple TV hits 1 million mark

Seems as though 2011 will no doubt be a year of tremendous technological growth. As mentioned before, the tablet market is on fire, Apple can’t sell enough iPhones, and the Android market is continuing their amazing growth across multiple carriers. What’s left? The merger of internet and TV. Apple has had a hat in the ring here for a while and we are now seeing the first signs that it is officially in motion. This holiday season Apple’s Apple TV sales crested a million units. This is significant in what it says about how people are using their devices.

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Netfilx delays release of its Android app

Due to security concerns and fragmentation of the market, Netflix has opted to postpone the release of its Android app until next year. This fear is something discussed here in prior posts as well; reliability of a marketplace with the current hurdles in place for Android. While stats are changing constantly, currently 22.9% of the Android phones don’t have a 2x OS on the phone. Past that, the remaining phones are split roughly evenly between 2.1 and 2.2; slanting by about 4% towards the 2.1. From a development point of view this can be frustrating. To quote them directly:

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Microsoft and Adobe? Huh?

Earlier this month executives from Microsoft and Adobe united for a meeting to discuss mutual arch rival Apple. It would seem as though they were putting their proverbial heads together to see what they can do to stop the runaway train that is their biggest threat. However, when we read this article stating that inside sources claimed that a possible purchase of Adobe by Microsoft, casual curiosity turned quickly to outright confusion and possibly disgust. We have been using Adobe products for years around here; so has everyone I know. There is a reason for that; they work great.

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Apple to take 21% of mobile advertising revenue

Since its inception, the folks over at Apple have been, to say the least, optimistic about how supersonic iAd was going to be. To say they were incorrect would be accurate. That being said, a few people have predicted substantial growth anyway. According to the IAD Apple will rocket from 0% to 21% of the mobile advertising dollars. This shift will drop Google from its current 27% to be tied up with Apple at 21%. Bringing up the rear will be Microsoft at 7%, down from 10%. While it is certainly not the 50% + that Mr. Jobs prophesied,

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iPhone Funeral held by Microsoft

We have mentioned here, a few times I believe, our disdain for companies using the well beaten to death term “iPhone-killer”. People, let’s move on already. Regardless of if history tells us a product did or did not kill the iPhone, we simply need a new description. This one is tired and arguably makes one look like a kindergartener on the playground at lunch. This time it was actual employees that coined the term and not some reporter who fancies themselves as funny. The whole event was quite a spectacle it seems and to be quite honest it will

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