Our move to a post PC world

In a world where smartphones went from huh? to everywhere in only a few short years, it leaves most wondering what comes next? Tablets? Smaller phones? Computers embedded in my eye and a keyboard that only I can see? Perhaps all of those things but one thing, according to Forrester, the computer paradigm is changing. First on their list is the shift from desktop to everywhere. Computers are going from a fixed position entity to things that are everywhere. Computers are in virtually everything now. That is only going to augment over time. Next is the shift from a

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We all use the same apps

One sure fire way to get a bunch of tech geeks into a heated war of words is to take sides as to which is superior iPhone, Android, or [cough] Blackberry. Nothing gets a lively conversation started faster. That being said results from Mplayit on Facebook found that regardless of which horse we back in this race, we end up using the same apps no matter what. As it seems, Angry Birds and Facebook are that compelling to everyone. The tidbit that should be extracted here is that it underscores the necessity to know your audience and know them

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Microsoft marketplace stats

The Windows Phone Marketplace is the place where Microsoft sells its phone apps. Everyone seems to know a lot about the Apple App Store but this little guy does not get a whole lot of attention. We thought we would list out a few things here that are of some interest to us. This marketplace offers, at present, about 9,000 apps for Windows phones. Their information tells us that this grows by about 100 applications per day. Slowly but surely it seems to move forward. Microsoft clearly does well with free or trial apps. Some interesting tidbits here too.

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Saab + Android = app car (link you tube video here for Saab ion)

In just under 3 years the word “app” has gone from nothing to everywhere. Keeping the ball rolling is our friends over at Saab. They are taking the app paradigm from your pocket to your car. Not only that but they are supercharging them in a very auto-specific way. While details remain a bit foggy it appears as though users can buy an Android package on their new Saabs similar to floor mats, sunroofs, and heated seats. This package would offer a 3 or 4G connection to the car as well as an Android operated screen. The mechanism would

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Android takes over top US mobile spot

As the battle of the devices wages on some not-so-shocking news emerged this month from Nielsen. Google’s Android platform has taken over the top spot in the US marketplace over Apple , Blackberry, and everyone else. Final stats have Android taking 29% of the US market while Apple and Blackberry both take 27%. For those interested in the rest Windows is still holding on to 10% of the market. Palm and everything else take 7%. The fact that Android took top spot is hardly a surprise. Every carrier in the US has several devices (about 100 or so different

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Using iPads to sell you more stuff

One thing that is nearly un-arguable at this point is the fact that people really enjoy the iPad. It presents information is an incredibly sexy way. What’s not to like? Retailers have also started to realize this and have begun to test this in several locations. We too have worked with a retailers to apply sales tools for the iPad. Our experience is in-line with others online; retailers are excited about this for sure. In general it is a no-brainer if you think about it. You can make a store experience that has access to far more information than

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Love ’em or leave ’em, gizmos and gadgets are on their way

Technology is quite literally one of our favorite things. I was in the first 100 in line for my iPhone, same with my iPad. I will be for the next iPad as well soon; likely the same with the iPhone. These however appear to be simply laying the framework though for what is to come. Recent articles all over the web as well as trade shows alike are beginning to display a wide range of gizmos and gadgets designed to use currently available technology in new and productive ways. Even if we disagree on the term “productive” it is

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