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Apple’s antenna labs

I am certainly not picking on Apple because, of late, it has come to light that Apple is clearly not the only pony in the show with this problem; just the one getting the most attention. I do find it What I do find somewhat comical is that Apple has spent a bloody fortune to only end up where everyone else has ended up in this department. Take a look here at their incredible multi-million dollar antenna lab. It would seem to me that while we can all recognize the inherent problem here (there are only so many places

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A show of antennas

Many people have asked us about the iPhone antenna issue. To be clear, we are not engineers so a scientific perspective we could not provide. However, we have some useful information on the bigger issue in the industry that we thought would be useful for our clients to read about. Here are a few things we found that you might also like to know. [1] Apple published a fantastic photo essay on a broad range of phones currently on the market with similar, or the same, issues. You can read that here. They very clearly outline the various phones,

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Apple fixes their reception problem, not really

So the internet is ablaze with videos (some funny, some just irate) of folks lending their opinion on the Apple antenna issue. Everything from pots and pans on their heads, to exaggerated hand maneuvering to make a simple phone call. To be perfectly honest these videos are not only accurate but there should be more. In fact, the complaint department over at Apple should be lit up like a Christmas tree and rightfully so. We have spoken about this theme in the past but it is always especially irritating when a brand you know and love so blatantly drops

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Rumor mill gets going again

So the 2010 version of an omnipresent rumor has officially surfaced. There are apparently two, yes two, Verizon folks out there who are “close to source” that state Verizon will start selling iPhones in January of 2011. Putting aside momentarily the fact that we have heard this rumor countless times in the past, I must say, if it is in fact a reality, this is good news all around. Let’s assume for argument’s sake that it is real. This would open up an almost unimaginable market for Apple as well as, and this is my personal favorite, provide us

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New iPhone – lefties beware

Well some things are just too funny. Funny for everyone who is not affected that is. If we had this problem this post would likely have a different tone to it. As it turns out the new iPhone is having a few difficulties it would seem. A few are minor like screen discoloration, etc. However, a few are not. For those of you reading this who are not familiar with the new phone there is a metal antenna band around the phone that saves space by making the case an antenna. I suppose the QC team at Apple is

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Developing for Apple just makes sense

Android is certainly on the move there is no doubt about that. This has opened conversations everywhere about the “should” or “shouldn’t we” from our client base. However, from our point of view, we just are not there yet. This is certainly open to change at any point but recently Mashable posted a graph that we think succinctly describes a core issue when comparing Apple to Android. This graph shows that while we have all noticed the increase in Android traffic, we can see that their user base can’t seem to agree on which operating system to use. From

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New iPhone announced

Well, as with all things related to the iPhone we find ourselves in a good news bad news situation. The good news is pretty obvious, we get a new iPhone. Not just any iPhone either, a really good one. As with the previous versions of this phone it is raises the bar quite a bit. What is most interesting though about the features added (generally speaking that is) is that it they all underscore the fact that this device no longer stands anywhere close to simply being a phone but rather that this device can be used in almost

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