Apple’s 10 billionth app

I suppose we will keep counting for the time being. Now it is 10 billion. Apple has now pushed 10 billion apps to the marketplace. That is a whole lotta zeros to be sure. Not only is this significant in terms of downloads but it also is a tremendous accomplishment in a field that they literally invented. Apple has a history of give aways on this and they gave a $10,000 gift card to the lucky 10B user. She downloaded a free app and won $10k. Not bad for 10 seconds worth of work.

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Cresting 10 billion apps

Anyone who has ever been to McDonalds know that ridiculous sign that they had up forever with the burger calculator on it. At some point it just got silly to keep counting. We seem to be circling that number now with apps. The difference is that McDonalds had decades to sell that many hamburgers; Apple has had only a few years. (the app store opened in July of 2008). For those of you like myself who could not have done this math in any reasonable amount of time, that shakes out to about 60 apps per device out there.

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Apple extends the app paradigm

In their quest to app-ify the world, Apple has now release apps for the Mac. Several notes of interest here indeed not the least of which being the ability for Apple to further entrench its users in adopting an “app-only” lifestyle. In other words, if it ain’t an app, I ain’t using it. Not for nothing, this isn’t far off from how many of our clients currently view the app experience. This is clearly evidenced by the amount of times in a day I hear the phrase “there should be an app for that”. Several of the usual suspects

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Apps to control your world

As mentioned here before, apps are playing an increasing role in the world around us. Recently the Wall Street Journal had a wonderful article about this phenomenon. This is not only interesting to a company like ours in terms of sheer interest in gadgetizing our worlds, but it is significant in where the world is rapidly heading. Perhaps the most noteworthy line in the article is as follows: “It’s going to get to a point where the hardware is worthless without the app,”. Wow. In terms of what this means it should be an indication that to even hang

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CES trends to watch

There is a plethora of CES related news out there but the top line stuff that is of extreme interest is pretty simple. One, tablets. Oh my goodness tablets. Literally everywhere. Everyone under the sun is making a tablet. It would seem the folks who previously panned this as a big iPod Touch were indeed off. Namely, PC World here. Second is internet TV’s. It sounds reasonable seeing as it is in the top spots for time-sucking in our lives. If I can look up anything, anytime on my phone, why not my TV. Third is apps. Again, we

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KNO Tablet set to launch

With the tablet market literally ablaze these days we are sure to have numerous posts about this in 2011. It seems fair then to kick the year off with a tablet that appears to be the first to draw a line in the sand and make their device a one-trick pony; work. The tablet is being sold as a student device that focuses on work and nothing but. In other words, no apps, no fart machines, no GPS to the nearest bar, just class work, homework, and in general learning. The general idea here is to provide a tablet

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Netfilx delays release of its Android app

Due to security concerns and fragmentation of the market, Netflix has opted to postpone the release of its Android app until next year. This fear is something discussed here in prior posts as well; reliability of a marketplace with the current hurdles in place for Android. While stats are changing constantly, currently 22.9% of the Android phones don’t have a 2x OS on the phone. Past that, the remaining phones are split roughly evenly between 2.1 and 2.2; slanting by about 4% towards the 2.1. From a development point of view this can be frustrating. To quote them directly:

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